Ingredients for 2 servings
- 2 tsp. olive oil soup
- 1 spring onion
- 4 mushrooms
- 1/2 green bell pepper
- 1/2 red bell pepper
- 5 large eggs
- Salt and pepper
- 4 tsp. of milk soup
- 100 g Tsokani DOIRANI grated

We peel and cut the mushrooms into slices. Then we chop the spring onion and peppers and cut the Tsokani into small pieces. We heat the olive oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat.
We sauté the spring onion with the mushrooms for 2 minutes and we add the peppers and sauté for 1 minute. We beat the eggs so that the yolk and the egg white are properly combined.
We add the milk, some salt and pepper and mix. We pour the ingredients into the pan with the eggs. We mix with a fork and we add the Tsokani cheese. We lift the sides with a fork so that the liquid eggs are stirred and we start cooking from the outside to the inside.
Then, we bake for 3 minutes over medium heat until slightly crusted. We turn over with a plate so that it is golden brown on the other side and bake for 2 minutes. We serve with finely chopped spring onion and red pepper.